Sekinchan Container Hotel
Shipping containers are a durable and essential mode of transporting goods worldwide. When recycled and repurposed into livable space, these rectangular structures take on a completely different meaning—a container hotel with a hotel room built with a shipping container. Three container hotels in Sekinchan, built beside the paddy field, give us an unforgettable living experience.
Villa Chee Container Homestay
Sekinchan - Villa Chee Container Homestay, Lot 3919, Jalan Sawah Ban Site B, 45 400 Sekinchan, Selangor D. E., Malaysia.
Padi Box Home & Cafe
Sekinchan - Padi Box Home & Cafe, Lot 11126, Jalan Tali Air 4, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor, Malaysia.
Farm Ville Cafe & Homestay
Sekinchan - Farm Ville Cafe & Homestay, Lot 11304, Kampung Site B Tambahan, Jalan Tepi Sawah, 45400 Sekinchan, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Selangor.