Pupolar Malay Kampung Food - Restoran Lembah Bernam, Sekinchan
Restoran Lembah Bernam is one of the popular malay food restaurants in Sekinchan. Exotic meats on the menu, exceptional food such as deer/venison, landak/porcupine, primarily cooked in Banjarese/ Javanese. We can enjoy Malay village cooking (masakan kampung) with self-service from 11 am - 5 pm.
Address: Restoran Lembah Bernam, Sekinchan.
Jalan Main Canal, Tali Air 9,
Pasir Panjang, 45 400 Sekinchan,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel:+6 017-285 8603
Business Hour:
Saturday-Thursday 11.00 am-5.00 pm
Closed on Friday