Sekinchan Seafood Restaurant- Restoran Cha Po Tion (阿娇海鲜饭店)
Restoran Cha Po Tion, most popular with the chinese name Ah Jiao (阿娇), is located at Bagan Sekinchan, on the way to Pantai Redang. Restoran Cha Po Tion is one of the famous seafood restaurants in Sekinchan at a reasonable price.
Address:Restoran Cha Po Tion (阿娇海鲜饭店) Seknchan
305, Lorong 12, Bagan ,
45 400 , Sekinchan,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: +6 016-676 1769
Business Hour :
Tuesday-Sunday 7.30pm - 2.00pm
Closed on Monday